Infusions to take daily

Since man is man, this has used plants to prepare infusions that will help you improve your health. Some have disappeared and, however, there are other herbal teas such as Chamomile, Pennyroyal Mint, tila or rooibos which form part of houses and catering establishments due to that you can take every day and help to improve our health, as well as offering us moments of well-being

Tea and infusions: the best ally to lose weight after Christmas

The benefits of tea and infusions are known all over the world. Natural products, no side effects and that can be taken at any time of the day and all over the world. But ojo! Not to everyone they feel you well all teas and not everyone has the same effects. Then we are going to explain what type of teas are best suited for the famous operation detox after the excesses of Christmas.

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Oolong tea, probably, one of the best teas in the world

The blue tea or Oolong tea is one of the Favorites of connoisseurs and lovers of quality teas. Its flavor and aroma have a perfect balance, causing the person who takes it a feeling of infinite well-being and large doses of health. Stimulator, diuretic and digestive, this type of tea varieties are characterized by soft, something fruity and sweet taste. A delicacy that you can not miss!

Spring asthenia: teas and plants which help you to combat it

With the arrival of the good weather, the 10% of the population suffers the commonly known, «asthenia spring». The change of season ago that many people feel exhausted and unable to carry out everyday tasks. However, has a solution, and how could it be otherwise, because of what nature gives us. If this is your case, you see what teas, plants and guidelines help you to combat it.

Pope: know as well that you feel the tea?

On the occasion of father’s day, we want to make a special post dedicated to men, that will explain, briefly, what are the main benefits of tea for the male sex. Forget already stupid gossip saying, falsely, that the tea and infusions are only things of women and see all that these beverages you can make in your day to day.