We are fortunate to live in a world where traditions and customs move from generation to generation. It is true that some are losing, but others, the most relevant, are maintained, passing even a part of the cultural heritage of the place in which are held and also, why not say it, the whole world, since we live in a globalized world.
Precisely for this reason, we are fortunate to know the traditions and culture of other countries, such as China and Japan, from where we get the famous tea ceremonies. But it is not only in these places in the world where this event takes place: Morocco and Britain also made it, but clearly, each in their own way.
Four points of the planet, four traditions different and an element in common: the tea, whose variety will be different from a country to another. In all of them, this ancient beverage is part of their culture and they consider it much more than a simple drink.
In this new article us would like to explain you them differences that exist of some ceremonies to others, as well as give you some small ideas so can celebrate you themselves and in your own House, the ceremony of the tea. We started!
The power of tea
He tea is, together with the water and the coffee, the drink more consumed of the world, while is true that in each corner of the planet is takes of form different, has uses disparate and the type of tea that is employs in some places and in others, by tradition, not always is the same, the target if that it is : tea is a source of health and well-being and, therefore, it is used as such. That Yes: with the passage of time, they have discovered new applications thanks to the properties that emerge from it and is today also used tea as a home remedy or trick in what sections such as beauty, cleaning and hygiene concerns.
Thus, it is not surprising that this drink (according to Chinese legend, was discovered by chance by the Emperor Shen Nung when a tea leaf fell on a cup of water boiling) is part of the traditions of many countries, especially those where there is, as it is the case of China, Japan, India or Morocco, as well as England which brought tea from its Indian colonies.
The ceremony of tea in China

Surely, if any of our readers have had the pleasure of meeting the Asian country, it will have had the opportunity to see live and live a tea ceremony is celebrated. And is that, as happens in all the countries, the traditions also form part of the leisure that is offers to the tourists. However, when individual-level a tea ceremony is celebrated in China, the goal may be the forgiveness, celebrate the union of two families (in the case of a future wedding, for example), as a sign of respect for elderly people or as a part of the ritual of weddings in this country.
This ceremony, which received the name of ‘ Cha dao’ (road of tea), Ming held in China since the XIV-XVII centuries, during the dynasty. Three cups and a teapot of clay are used for the same. In the first is placed them leaves of tea (that vary according to the province China, but the Oolong and the tea green tend to be which predominate), in the second the water boiling and in the third will be in which is serve the tea.
It should be noted the skill which must acquire people who perform this ritual, which are considered authentic tea sommeliers. Cups can only fill halfway, since in Chinese culture, it is considered that the other half is filled with friendship and goodwill. Another curious fact is that the cups in which the tea is served do not have handles, and it must be fastened with the index and thumb fingers.
They are all aspects that you will have to take into account if you also want a ceremony of tea at home. In addition, you must keep in mind that the first person that you must serve tea will be the greater of the table and that, before taking it, guests must smell the tea, to feel her essence. If bulk or the person who surrenders «homage» (for the reason that is), like tea, by way of gratitude you must tap the table, three times.
Ceremony of tea in Japan
And we went from one Asian country to another. In fact, were them monks Buddhist of Chinese, who gave to know the tea in Japan, although today this drink form part of its culture, tradition and, of course, of their crops.
With respect to the tea ceremony, there are two main differences with respect to China. The first of these is the tea used, since in Japan they use matcha tea powder. The second difference is the meaning that has this ceremony, whose aim is none other than the peace to people who are part of the ritual. A ritual that can be done on an individual basis, what they call in Japan: cha-no – yu, (which means, hot water for tea) or group who receives the name of sadō or chadō (that means ‘tea road’) and which also refers to the study of this doctrine. Through it, as well as providing peace, people also learn to be more courageous and strong, acquire good manners and improve human relations.
Cha no yu is not celebrated in every corner, but it is done in the Sukiya (which means the tea house) and that is a special spiritual place of houses of Japan, that is, generally, in the garden of the same. And not only that: guests must wash hands, mouth and face, before the ceremony as a symbol of purity and will tilt, to show respect to the person who is to perform the ceremony and own tea.
To celebrate it is needed: matcha green tea, as well as a few cups in which serve tea, a bowl in which grinding tea and that will be done with a stirrer called chasen. Matcha will be served with a ladle of bamboo which is called Chasaku. In this case, unlike the Chinese ceremony will be only served tea in a cup that the host must try and, after passing the edge finger to clean it, pass it to the rest of the guests so try it. This is done two times (usually with different intensities of matcha tea) and in silence.
The ceremony of tea in Morocco

Change of place and continent to go to Africa, country of the rooibos par excellence, but in which all kinds of teas are consumed and also celebrates the famous tea, in this case, with Gunpowder Green tea ceremony and that is traditionally accompanied by a significant amount of sugar and mint leaves.
The purpose of this ceremony is none other than the to welcome visitors, whether it’s familiar or foreign, and to do so used some beautiful glass vessels, decorated with gilded edges. Both the sugar bowl, and tray and teapot with which the tea is served must be metallic.
What most draws the attention of this ceremony is the height from which served tea, to enough with respect to the vessel and performed up to three times, until you fill the vessel and creates a nice frothy layer. Then, the tea is accompanied of sweets typical of the country, as well as honey or dates. The taste of the tea and of the ceremony is really sweet.
The ceremony of tea in England
This is, no doubt, that us is more close and which we are more accustomed to see. Ensure them historians that this tradition, also known as ‘ the tea of the five ‘, the established the Duchess Ana Russell of Bedford in the century XVIII. Seems that this Aristocrat always asked for tea at that time and wanted it to be accompanied by something sweet and has thus moved to the present day.
To difference of the tea green u oolong that is employs in them countries that have mentioned until the time, in England, the tea that is used usually in this ceremony usually be black, since is the tea that more is produces in India, old Cologne of the country European and from where is exported, by first time, this drink to England.
Rather than have a special symbolism, the tea of the five way part of traditions or cultural customs of the English. Of course, not everyone takes it, but it is usually prepared on occasions or special snacks and is accompanied by sweets, in particular plumcake, muffis, scoones, or muffins. In fact, in some cafes and hotels where they celebrated this tradition, is usually tea, along with a cart full of these sweets.
One of the features of the English ceremony is the cup of tea (which will be of porcelain, as well as the tea) it must contain a slice of lemon and there should be another small tea with milk, so that people can be mixed with that of another liquid tea infusion. In addition, in the English tradition is given much importance to the appearance of the table, which should be really careful.
Material for the ceremony of the tea
Now that you have already told how held tea ceremonies more known in the world, you can celebrate your special tea at home and can ciniendote to a specific ritual, mixing several or incorporating own ideas, for that what your tea ceremony! Aromas of tea, we have everything you need to celebrate.
- Types of tea. As we have explained so far, the types of tea used in various tea ceremonies are as follows: matcha green tea ; Green tea gunpowder that we have two types: on the one hand the gunpowder green tea and green tea Gunpowder Temple of Heaven. And if you prefer to go by the other types of tea that we have mentioned, we also have oolong tea and, of course, of black tea that you will find a wide variety of teas, but we invite you to celebrate with black teas, pure as Breakfast Eco , the Earl Grey (which is usually the English use) or the Supreme black tea.
Té negro Earl Grey Té verde Matcha Té oolong brillo Té verde Gunpowder - Utensils for the ceremony. As we know that not only the tea like our clients, but all that derives from it, traditions included, in www.aromasdete.com not only will find the tea for the tea ceremony, but that you will also find the necessary utensils, such as an iron Kettle , as well as a full set of matcha designed especially for the ceremony in the purest Japanese style and which includes the Bowl , the spoon measuring, whip, and your box so that you can store it properly for the next time. And all this without forgetting the heater for a cup of tea, so if any of your guests you want more hot tea, take to the desired temperature.
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