Lose weight with tea green and peach


The summer is for many a time to enjoy of them vacation and a deserved rest, but also is the time in which more neglect our physical and in many cases can get to win some kilos of more. In fact, according to experts in nutrition, during the summer season is usually weight gain between three and four kilos.  

The ideal is to take advantage of it turned to the routine to make some changes in them habits that influence of way negative in the tracking of a food healthy and balanced, as for example, eat on dishes small, buy foods low in calories or cook food without fat.

In this way, is can lose weight healthy, sustained and gradual thanks also to the use of plants and natural remedies, that Yes, always combined with a balanced diet and physical exercise.

Here, you are one recipe that, while the combination can be you something strange or little common, you will end up hooking by your great nutritional contribution and their low levels of fat and caloric content.

Beaten of tea green and peach

This recipe has a great nutritional contribution, multiple antioxidants to debug our organism and an almost negligible level of calories, so it becomes an ideal complement to accompany our diet.

What us brings the tea Green

  • On the one hand, the green tea us brings multiple vitamins, as are the vitamin to, B2, C and E and minerals, as calcium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, iron, sodium, phosphorus, nickel, potassium and fluorine, between others.
  • Also, controls her diabetes and can arrive to prevent the development of diabetes type 1 and delay its progression.
  • Relieves allergies. Catechins are responsible for blocking certain components that trigger allergies.
  • Prevent glaucoma and other eye conditions. Its high content in polyphenols gives you their great antioxidant power and prevent cellular oxidative stress.

What us brings the peach

  • The peach is rich in vitamin C that acts as an oxidizer.
  • In addition, thanks to its content in calcium and potassium, the peaches are a good support for the health of the heart and can be prevent diseases related to obesity such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.
  • It is also rich in fiber, than to have some satiating, effect will help you eat less. Also is an aid in cases of constipation, facilitating digestion.

And if we put together them?

Chlorogenic acid present in peach, as well as lutein, zeaxanthin, and catechins from green tea, will help us to purify the body, eliminate toxins, take care of our liver and to combat premature aging.

Obesity: tea makes a great ally to control our weight, thanks to its ability to speed up metabolism and its role as an agent of Thermogenesis, we burn fat more quickly.  remove the fat more resistant.

For its part, the peach contains capable of tackling obesity bioactive components . According to one study, this is due to the presence of some phenolic compounds with properties anti-inflammatory, capable of regulating metabolic syndrome.

Diseases neurodegenerative: Antioxidants and catechins from green tea facilitate nerve impulse and the connectivity of its cells to seat the memory and facilitate the concentration.

To its time, the pulp of peach and its juice natural exert effects beneficial about the system cholinergic central, a mechanism neurotransmitter that acts as «base of control» of the memory and the learning.

Cancer: there are several studies that have shown the positive effects that has green tea to prevent various types of cancer, such as breast, colon, lung or skin, among others.

On the other hand, peaches can help combat free radicals. This same antioxidant effect helps to prevent certain diseases, such as cancer.

Seen them large contributions of both ingredients, this combination is converts in an option ideal for get our objective: lower of weight, also, of take care of our body and our health by their great contribution of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

How prepare my beaten of peach and tea Green


3 tablespoons of leaves of tea green (30 g)

2 peaches or Peach medium (300 g)

The peel of ½ lemon (without the part inside white, 10 g)

1 litre of water


Put to heat a glass of water and before comes to boil, add the tea green and the bark of lemon.

Infuse along the half hour. Last that time, turn off the fire and let that rest for around 15 minutes.

Now we are already going to prepare peaches. Them wash well and, without remove them it skin, them remove the bone and the cut in cubes.

The following step is blending them peaches to be us only with the pulp.

Strain the infusion of tea green and lemon and it carry to a pitcher where it will mix with the rest of the water. Only need add the pulp of peaches and remove well all the content. If like, help you with the Blender so everything is homogenous.


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