You’ve seen her wearing in beautifully landscaped gardens, decorating surfboards or Jamaican shirts. But apart from its decorative side, hibiscus cares for our health in multiple ways.
The part of the plant that is usually used is the flower, very aromatic, colorful and edible. Currently is cultivated in all the world, both by its aesthetic as for their uses medicinal, that are mainly in form of infusion.
Commonly called flower of Jamaica and slightly acidic flavor, is used to treat a variety of ailments, such as high blood pressure, retention of liquids, coughing or digestive disorders such as inflammation of the mucosa.
Drink several cups of tea of hibiscus can help to decrease the pressure blood, based on several studies. The Hibiscus contains flavonoids and anthocyanins, that have properties antioxidants and is has shown that support to the health of the heart.
Improve the general functioning of the intestines and bladder. It contains natural antispasmodic effects so it can be used to treat painful constipation and other digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome.
This tea is full of vitamin C, which helps to prevent colds and other infectious diseases. It will help you also to lower the fever. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Healthy aging
Hibiscus tea has been used centuries ago in places like Egypt, China and others to prevent aging. Contains many antioxidants that eliminate the radical free in the body. By removing these free radicals, it can dramatically reduce the aging process.
Loss of weight
Hibiscus is a natural appetite suppressant so you can help us to lose weight naturally. Decreases the absorption of fat and helps to expel impurities avoiding thus the retention of liquids or the swelling.
Skin care
There are many laboratories currently employing hibiscus to produce natural creams for the care of the skin thanks to its high content of mucilage (plant substance). It is also effective to strengthen the roots of the hair and thus prevent his fall.
In the kitchen
Jamaica flower water is a very popular beverage prepared infusionando the rose of Jamaica (hibiscus).
Water from Jamaica, which is very popular in Central and South America, has a sour taste, so it is usually sweetened with sugar and other sweeteners. This drink is rich in vitamin C and trace elements.
Cold as a refreshing drink in the summer is served. However, in some countries in the Caribbean and Panama, it is traditional take it hot at Christmas and new year celebrations.
Hibiscus can also be incorporated in the recipes of some dishes, such as salads, toast or biscuits. You can use the flowers crushed inside the body or in the syrups to get drunk them. You can also use for flavoring and color gels, creams and mousses. That Yes, we must be careful with the power of its flavor so that it does not eclipse the rest of ingredients.